We Help New Catastrophic Adjusters Break Into the Industry in Days... Not Months

With the IA Path Level 2 Catastrophic Auto Adjuster 1 Year Mentorship & Certification Bundle

catastrophic auto certification Bundle
catastrophic auto certification Bundle

Most Companies Have 2-5 Year Experience Requirements... Do You Meet It?

If You Don’t Already Have Experience You Are…

Hoping for a Chance
Waiting on the Weather
Running Out of Money
Playing Adjuster Lottery

That all leads to frustration as you are waiting for someone to give you a shot. We don’t want that for you. IA Path has helped thousands of new adjusters get to work. Our path will work for you too.

What Companies Recognize the IA Path Auto Certifications?

40+ Independent Appraisal & Adjusting Firms Waive the 2-5 Year Experience If You Have This Certification, Here are Some of Them

How Does the IA Path Catastrophic Adjuster 1 Year Mentorship & Certifications Work?

There Are 3 Steps to our Certifications


You start off learning the foundations of auto damage appraising and estimating. Everything from the parts of the vehicle, estimating software, to how to perform your job. You can train any time of day. We've made it on-demand to fit any schedule.


You'll complete claim scenarios that you'll receive 1 on 1 feedback from your instructor. Once you've successfully proven you can properly close a claim to industry expectations, IA Path will certify and introduce you to 40+ IA Firms that waive the 2-5 year experience requirement.


Most graduates get work within 30 days of graduation. As you get claims, you will have access to all training materials and the IA Path mentors so you can ask any questions you have about any claim so you look like a veteran from your first day. This isn't a course, it is a 1 year mentorship.

What Adjuster Certifications are Included with the IA Path Level 2 Catastrophic Auto Adjuster 1 Year Mentorship & Certification Bundle?

IA Path Auto Collision Damage Certification
Auto Collision Damage Certification
IA Path CCC One Level 1 Certification
IA Path CCC One Level 1 Certification
IA Path CCC Level 2 Certification
IA Path Auto Hail Damage Certification
IA Path Auto Flood Damage Certification
IA Path Auto Flood Damage Certification

What Type of Claims Will I Be Certified to Handle After I Complete the IA Path Catastrophic Auto Certifications?

Auto Collision Damage

You’ll be able to handle claims from the 14,386 accidents that happen each day plus all of types of collision damage that occurs.

Auto Hail Damage
auto hail damage claims

Hail damages millions of of properties and cars each year. Learn how to inspect and write an estimate for them.

Auto Flood/Water Damage
Auto flood damage

Flood vehicles, stalled engines, water intrusion, you’ll be able to handle all types off auto water claims.

What Are the IA Path Steps the 1 Year Mentorship Will Guide Me Through?

First, we'll get you working with daily auto claims (because a working adjuster tends to keep working) & then help you get established with heavy equipment and speciality claims.

Here are the steps we'll guide you through.

*NOTE* Any certifications not included your bundle in Phase 3 must be purchased separately & are not included. They are only listed as a representation of options you can pursue once you are established & working in the industry.
The 7 Steps to Become an Independent Insurance Adjuster

What Is Included in the IA Path
Level 2 Catastrophic Auto Adjuster 1 Year Mentorship & Certification Bundle?

Experience Requirements Waived with 40+ IA Firms

You'll earn the IA Path Auto Damage Collision Certification, the most respected auto damage certification, in the independent adjusting and appraising industry. This is what gets the 2-5 year experience requirement waived with 40+ IA Firms. - $3000 value

Adjuster Licensing & Exam Prep

We provide adjuster or appraiser licensing training for your state or your designated home state license. (if your state doesn't require a license) Through the pre-licensing and exam prep you'll be ready to ace your adjuster licensing test. - $300 value

Auto Damage Inspection & Estimating Training

The Auto Damage Collision Masterclass is 20+ hours of high-quality video training that is on-demand and fits your schedule. You'll learn everything about how to be a successful auto damage appraiser of adjuster. - $2500 value

Catastrophic Hail Deployment Opportunities

Get opportunities for hail deployments by earning the Auto Hail Damage Certification. Earn opportunities reserved for veterans by getting the 2-5 year experience requirement waived with catastrophic and PDR companies! - $2000 value

Catastrophic Flood Deployment Opportunities

Earn the opportunity to deploy to catastrophic flood events with the IA Path Auto Flood Damage Certification. Prove you know how to handle flodo claims like a pro so IA Firms will waive the 2-5 year experience requirement for catastrophic auto flood deployments! - $1200 value

Personal Endorsement from IA Path & Chris Stanley

Upon graduation you will receive a personal endorsement from Chris Stanley and IA Path that you are competent and ready to work. Great for resumes, LinkedIn, and references. - $1000 value

Weekly Face to Face Mentorship & Community

Each Thursday you'll have access to a live virtual classroom where you can get support, questions answered, and watch an IA Path instructor write an estimate live. You get to see how it's done and ask questions. Plus as a certification student you get access to the archive of past Livewrites. - $1200 value

Mentorship and a Help Room For When You Need It Most

You'll have direct access to IA Path Mentors & graduates to get help with your claims, get advice in your career, and never be alone. 1 year access is included in with the certification and if you can renew year after year. - $1000 value

Claim Scenarios & Practice Estimates

This homework is the shortcut for you to know what you are doing right and wrong. When you are done you’ll write estimates like a veteran. No one will be able to tell you are new when they look at your estimates. Plus we have an archive of bonus practice estimates so you can write to your hearts content. - $750 value

CCC One Estimating Software Training

Learn everything you need to know about writing auto damage estimates in the industry leading auto estimating software, CCC One. The Advanced CCC One Masterclass walks you through everything including setting up your system, writing estimates, to closing claims, you'll be a CCC One pro. Insurance carriers, IA firms, and body shops use CCC One. - $500 value

IA Path CCC One Certification LVL 1 & 2

You'll have the opportunity to prove you are competent with this estimating software. Level 1 certification tests your competency with the fundamentals of CCC One. Level 2 tests your speed at writing hail damage estimates. - $1500 value

Access to Estimating Software

You'll gain access to the CCC One estimating software so you can practice writing estimates, turn in your homework, and prove you are ready for work. - $500 value

Mitchell Estimating Software Training

You'll also have access to the Mitchell Crash Course that shows you how to use the second leading estimating software, Mitchell. We'll teach you the foundations of writing estimates in the software that some major insurance carriers, shops, and IA firms are using. - $300 value

Auto Hail Masterclass

You'll learn how to handle auto hail claims like a pro. Whether you want to head out to catastrophic deployments or you live in a hail prone area, this course will give you the tools to succeed. - $500 value

Auto Flood Zone

Handling flood claims is totally different than collision or hail. You'll know exactly how to write these estimates and be able to complete them FAST. - $500 value

Adjuster Resume Help

You'll have access to the Adjuster's Resume Masterclass plus as a certification student, Chris Stanley, the co-author of the Adjuster's Resume Playbook, will review your resume and offer improvement advice upon request. - $450 value

Total Value $17,200

Your Cost = $4,497


Got Questions?

IA Path Auto Damage Certification Syllabus & Core Curriculum

Auto Collision Damage Certification 
(required to earn certification)

  • Module 1 – Homework
    1. Building Blocks of an Estimate
    2. BOOK: Auto Adjuster’s Playbook
    3. CLASS #1: Auto Damage Certification
    4. Things You’ll Need to Purchase for Class
    5. HOMEWORK #1: Request
    6. Login to Claim Leader
    7. Ask a Question + Status Your File
    8. Take Photos of a Vehicle
    9. Login to Mitchell
    10. Write an Estimate Using These Photos
    11. Upload PDF Estimate & Photos to Claim Leader
    12. Name Your Business and Obtain an EIN (Optional)
    13. Create Your LLC/Business (Optional)
    14. Set Up a Business Bank Account (Optional)
    15. Obtain Proper Insurance (Optional)
  • Module 1 – Videos
    1. Parts of The Vehicle Part 1: Parts on the Front of the Vehicle
    2. Repair Operations Pt. 1: Replace & Remove and Install
    3. Replacement Part Types
    4. Repair Operations Pt. 2: Repair & Refinish
    5. Repair Hours Guide – How to Determine Repair Hours
    6. Vehicle Owner
  • Module 2 – Homework
    1. CLASS #2: Auto Damage Certification
    2. What All Comes With An “LKQ ASSEMBLY”?
    3. HOMEWORK #2: Request
    4. Take Photos of a Vehicle
    5. Write Estimate in Mitchell
    6. Upload Photos & Estimate to Claim Leader
    7. Set Up Your Email (Optional)
    8. Set Up Your LinkedIn Profile (Optional)
    9. Create or Update Your Resume (Optional)
  • Module 2 – Videos
    1. Inspection Guide Part 2: Scoping & Damage Notes
    2. Quick Scoping Tips & Examples
    3. Parts of The Vehicle Part 2: Parts on the Side of the Vehicle
    4. Sublet Repair
    5. The People at the Appraisal Company
    6. Assignment Sheet
    7. Parts of The Vehicle Part 3: The Rear of the Vehicle
    8. Scheduling Your Days Work
    9. The Appointment Setting Call
    10. The People at the Body Shop
    11. Writing the Estimate (in CCC One)
  • Module 3 – Homework
    1. CLASS #3: Auto Damage Certification
    2. REPLAY: How to Use the IA Path Auto Appraiser Inspection Guide
    3. HOMEWORK #3: Request
    4. Write Scope Notes
    5. Write the Estimate in Mitchell off Your Scope Notes
    6. Add Your Scope Notes, Estimate, and the Photos to Claim Leader
    7. Determine Your Coverage Area (Optional)
    8. Create Your Coverage Zip Code List (Optional)
    9. Determine Your Rates/Fee Schedule (Optional)
    10. Contact Estimating Software CCC One (Optional)
  • Module 3 – Videos
    1. Parts of the Vehicle Pt 4: Parts on the Inner Structure of the Vehicle
    2. The Inspection Conversation
    3. Scoping Multiple Areas of Damage
    4. Breaking Down an Estimate
    5. Parts of the Vehicle Pt 5: Parts on the Interior of the Vehicle
    6. Air Bags
    7. Total Loss Process
    8. Total Loss Forms
    9. LiveWrite – LT Rear Frame and Bed – 2011 Ford Ranger
  • Module 4 – Homework
    1. CLASS #4: Auto Damage Certification
    2. HOMEWORK #4: Request
    3. Take Photos of Vehicle
    4. Write the Estimate in Mitchell
    5. Fill Out CCC Total Loss Form
    6. Upload all Documents to Claim Leader + Fill Out Appraisal Report
    7. Personal Favor (Optional)
    8. Contact Nationwide Appraisals (Optional)
    9. Contact ACD (optional)
    10. Contact SCA (optional)
    11. Contact Claim Solutions (Optional)
  • Module 4 – Videos
    1. Receiving the Assignment
    2. Scheduling a Day’s Work
    3. The Appointment Setting Call
    4. The Inspection Conversation
    5. Taking Photos
    6. Scoping the Damage
    7. Air Bag Deployments
    8. Writing the Estimate
    9. Uploading the Claim
    10. Completing a Supplement
    11. Handling Supplement Without Re-Inspection
    12. Supplement Example
  • Week 5 – Final Testing
    2. Your Best Contact Information
    3. Write Estimate (Guidelines & Damage Photos Incl.)
    4. Obtain an NADA Guide
    5. Upload to Claim Leader
    6. Please Rate This Course
    7. Tell Us How Many Days It Took You To Get Your First Claim!
  • Resources/References for Auto Damage Appraisals (For Use After Course Completion)
    1. Contacting Owner’s Through Text Message (Template)
    2. How To Find Labor Rates For All Zip Codes In The US
    3. Locating Salvage Bids
    4. Tire Betterment Chart
    5. Engine Betterment Chart
    6. Response to Shops Who Send Unreasonable Supplement Requests
  • Overview
  • Introduction
    1. How This Works
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  • CCC One Setup
    1. Setup & Home Screen
    2. Setup, Search, Configuring Profiles
    3. IA Profiles Rates & Rules
    4. Carrier Profiles
    5. Machine Settings
  • Add Lesson
  • CCC One Tabs (Navigation)
    1. Contacts Tab
    2. Insurance Tab
    3. Inspection Tab
    4. Vehicle Tab
    5. Rates Tab
    6. Attachments & Settlements Tab
    7. Total Loss Tab
    8. Top Bar
    9. Misc. Tabs
  • Add Lesson
  • Estimating Section
    1. Estimate Tabs
    2. 50 Yard Line
    3. Line Properties
    4. Functions
    5. Reading an Estimate
    6. Locking an Estimate
    7. Supplements
    8. Hail & PDR
  • Add Lesson
  • On-Demand IA Path CCC One Certification
    1. Class 1 Replay
    2. Class 2 Replay
    3. IA Path CCC One Level 1 Certification Test (Basic Proficiency)
    4. IA Path CCC One Level 2 Certification Test (Catastrophic Hail)
  • Standard Operations (Quick Reference)
    1. How to Replace a Part in CCC One
    2. How to Repair a Panel in CCC One
    3. How to Refinish a Panel in CCC One
    4. How to Add Blend to a Panel in CCC One
    5. How to Add a Sublet Repair in CCC One
    6. How to a Add Manual Line in CCC One
    7. How to Insert Manual Line Above a Previous Entry in CCC One
    8. How to Use Aftermarket Parts in CCC One
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  • Specific Estimate Items (Quick Reference)
    1. How to Add Hazardous Waste Removal in CCC One
    2. How to Change the Labor Rate in CCC One
    3. How to Add Corrosion Protection in CCC One
    4. How to Add Cover Car in CCC One
    5. How to Add an Estimate Note in CCC One
    6. How to Change the Tax Rate in CCC One
    7. How to Add an Appearance Allowance in CCC One
    8. How to Compare Costs in CCC One
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  • Hail & PDR Basics (Quick Reference)
    1. How to Add PDR to Any Panel in CCC One
    2. How to Add Manual, Sublet, or PDR Lines without a built-in PDR Price Matrix in CCC One
    3. How to Add an Oversized Hail Dent in CCC One
    4. How to Add Aluminum Markup to a Panel for PDR in CCC One
    5. How to Add Aluminum Markup AFTER Adding PDR in CCC One
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  • Live Writes in CCC
    1. Live Write #1
    2. Live Write #2
    3. Live Write #3
    4. Live Write #4 (Hail)
    5. Live Write #5 (Hail)
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  • Hood Standard Operations in CCC One (Quick Reference)
    1. Hood – Replace and RI – CCC
    2. Hood – Blends and RI – CCC
    3. Hood – PDR and RI 1-5 Dents – CCC
    4. Hood – PDR 6 Dents or More – CCC (Coming Soon)
    5. Hood – PDR Combo Repair 1-50 Dents and Less Cracked Paint – CCC
    6. Hood – PDR Combo Repair 51+ Dents With Cracked Paint – CCC
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  • Fender Standard Operations in CCC One (Quick Reference)
    1. Fender – Replace and RI – CCC
    2. Fender – Blend and RI – CCC
    3. Fender – PDR and RI – CCC
    4. Fender – PDR Cracked Paint Combo Repair – CCC
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  • Windshield and Cowl Standard Operations (Quick Reference)
    1. Windshield – Replace – CCC
    2. Cowl – Replace – CCC
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  • Roof Standard Operations (Quick Reference)
    1. Roof – Replace and RI for Car – CCC
    2. Roof – Replace and RI for SUV and Van – CCC
    3. Roof – PDR and RI for Car – CCC
    4. Roof – PDR and RI for SUV and Van – CCC
    5. Roof – PDR Combo Push 2 Paint Repair – CCC
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  • Roof Rails Standard Operations in CCC One (Quick Reference)
    1. Roof Rail – Repair and Blends – CCC
    2. Roof Rail – PDR – CCC
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  • Door Standard Repair Operations in CCC One (Quick Reference)
    1. Front Door – Replace and RI – CCC
    2. Front Door – Blends RI – CCC
    3. Rear Door – Replace and RI – CCC One
    4. Rear Door – Blends and RI – CCC One
    5. Front Door – PDR 1-15 Dents – CCC
    6. Front Door – PDR 16-30 Dents – CCC
    7. Front Door – PDR 31+ Dents – CCC
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  • Quarter Panel Standard Operations in CCC One (Quick Reference)
    1. Quarter Panel – Replace, Repair, Refinish, and RI – CCC
    2. Quarter Panel – Blend and RI – CCC
    3. Quarter Panel – PDR and RI – CCC
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  • Trunk and Liftgate Standard Operations in CCC One (Quick Reference)
    1. Trunk – Replace and RI – CCC
    2. Trunk – Blends and RI – CCC
    3. Trunk – PDR and RI – CCC
    4. Liftgate – PDR and RI – CCC
    5. Trunk or Liftgate – PDR Combo Repair Cracked Paint – CCC



Overview of Flood Claims
Flood Level
Taking Photos & Scoping a Flood Damaged Vehicle
Writing a Level 1 Flood Estimate
Writing a Level 2 Flood Estimate
Writing a Level 3 Flood Estimate
Writing a Level 4 Flood Estimate
How to Set Up Your Flood Zone in CCC One Part Codes
How to Write a Flood Estimate in CCC One in Minutes

  • Overview
  • Building Blocks of an Estimate
  • Parts of the Vehicle
    1. Parts of The Vehicle Part 1: Front
    2. Parts of The Vehicle Part 2: Side
    3. Parts of The Vehicle Part 3: Rear
    4. Parts of the Vehicle Pt 4: Inner Structure
    5. Parts of the Vehicle Pt 5: Interior
    6. Parts of the Vehicle Pt 6: Air Bags
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  • Repair Operations
    1. Repair Operations Pt. 1.1: Replace & Remove and Install
    2. Repair Operations Pt 1.2: Replacement Part Types
    3. Repair Operations Pt. 2.1: Repair & Refinish
    4. Repair Operations 2.2: Repair Hours Guide
    5. Repair Operations Pt 3.1: Sublet Repair
  • How to Inspect a Damaged Vehicle
    1. Inspecting a Vehicle Pt 1: Taking Photos of a Damaged Vehicle
    2. Inspecting a Vehicle Pt 2: Scoping & Damage Notes
    3. Inspecting a Vehicle Pt 3: Quick Scoping Tips & Examples
    4. Inspecting a Vehicle Pt 4: Scoping Multiple Areas of Damage
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  • Writing an Estimate
    1. Writing an Estimate 1.0: Writing the Estimate (in CCC One)
    2. Writing an Estimate 1.1: Total Loss Process
    3. Writing an Estimate 1.2: Total Loss Forms
    4. Writing an Estimate 1.3: Obtain an NADA Guide
    5. Writing an Estimate 1.4: Explaining an Estimate to an Owner
    6. Writing an Estimate 1.5: Completing a Supplement
    7. Writing an Estimate 1.6 Supplement Example
    8. Writing an Estimate 1.7: Handling a Supplement Without Re-Inspection
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  • The People You Work With
    1. People 1.0: Vehicle Owners
    2. People 1.1: Appraisal Company
    3. People 1.2: Insurance Company
    4. People 1.3: Body Shop
    5. People 1.4: Tow Company
    6. People 1.5: Salvage
    7. People 1.6: Valuation Company
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  • The Claim Process
    1. Claim Process 1.0: Receiving the Assignment
    2. Claim Process 1.1: The Appointment Setting Call
    3. Claim Process 1.2: Scheduling Your Days Work
    4. Claim Process 1.3: The Inspection Conversation
    5. Claim Process 1.4: Taking Photos
    6. Claim Process 1.5: Scoping the Damage on a Vehicle
    7. Claim Process 1.6: Air Bag Deployments
    8. Claim Process 1.7: Writing the Estimate
    9. Claim Process 1.8: Uploading the Claim
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  • Downloads
    1. Photo Inspection Guide
    2. Auto & Truck Inspection Guides
    3. Collision Scope Sheet
    4. Inner Structure Guide
  • Introduction
    1. What is Hail?
    2. The Pros and Cons of Being a Catastrophic Hail Adjuster
    3. Download & Templates
  • Drive-In Claim Process
    1. Catastrophic Hail Field Claims vs Drive In
    2. Drive In Workflow
    3. The Inspection Conversation
    4. Taking Photos
  • Field Claims Process
    1. Receiving the Assignment
    2. Scheduling Your Days Work
    3. Setting an Appointment
    4. The Inspection Conversation
    5. New Sessions
    6. Taking Photos
  • Scoping Hail Basics
    1. PDR – How Hail is Fixed… What is PDR?
    2. Hail Inspection Etiquette
    3. Light Bending – How to See Hail Dents
    4. Using a PDR Hail Matrix & Pricing Sheet
    5. Determining the Size of a Hail Dent
    6. Off Matrix Dents – Oversized Hail Dents
    7. Hail Scope Sheet
    8. Standard R&I
  • Scoping Hail Damage Advanced
    1. Inspecting a Panel – Light Bending
    2. Inspecting a Panel – Reflector Sheet
    3. Inspecting a Panel – Reflector Board
    4. Hail Scoping 101 (Full Scope Outside vs Inside)
    5. PDR Markups
    6. Drying a Wet Car for a Hail Damage Inspection
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  • Conventional Repair – Beyond PDR
    1. Beyond PDR Pt. 1: How to Know if It is Beyond PDR
    2. Beyond PDR Pt. 2: Determining Repair Hours
    3. Beyond PDR Pt. 3: Push 2 Repair(AKA Push to Paint) and Cracked Paint
    4. Beyond PDR – Conclusion
  • Writing the Estimate
    1. Writing the Estimate
  • Reviewing the Claim
    1. Reviewing the Claim With the Owner
  • Hail Season Orientation
    1. Session #1: Inspect Hail Like a Pro
    2. Session #2: Cash In on Cat Storms
    3. Session #3: Crush the Hail Season WITHOUT it Crushing You
    4. LIVE EVENT: How to Be Valuable as a Hail Adjuster – With Jeremy Shaw
    5. Bonus Downloads
  • BONUS: Live Trainings
    1. How to Be Right With Your Hail Repair Times
  • Overview
  • How to Complete Auto Flood Claim Inspections & Estimates
  • The Assignment (Bonus)
    1. 4 Steps to Receiving an Assignment
    2. Step 1: Review the Assignment Sheet
    3. Step 1 Continued: Review Guidelines
    4. Step 2 & 3: Map the Assignments & Optimize Route
    5. Step 4: Status Claim Received
  • The Call (Bonus)
    1. 4 Steps to an Appointment Setting Call
    2. Step 1: Review
    3. Step 2: Introduction
    4. Step 3: Agreement
    5. Step 4: Status
    6. Make Appointment Setting Easy
  • The Inspection
    1. 3 Steps to an Auto Damage Inspection
    2. Step 1: Conversation
    3. Step 2. Photos
    4. Step 3: Damage Notes
    5. Auto Damage Appraisers Guide to a Flood Inspection
  • The Estimate
    1. 4 Steps to Creating an Estimate
    2. Step 1: The File Information
    3. Step 2: The Claim Information
    4. Step 3: The Vehicle Information
    5. Step 4: The Damage Information
  • Flood Zone
    1. Setting Up CCC One Rates & Headers
    2. Setting Up CCC One Import and Export Files
    3. Setting Up Your Flood Zone – CCC One
    4. Writing Your Flood Zone Estimate
    5. Level 1 – Rocker Panel (Not in Vehicle)
    6. Level 2 – Floor (in Vehicle)
    7. Level 3 – Seats
    8. Level 4 – Dash

Reviews for the IA Path Auto Damage Certification

How To Get Started With the IA Path Auto Damage Certification

1. Enroll in Mentorship

2. Complete Training

3. Get Certified & Working

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