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We Help New Independent Adjusters Get Desk Work

With the IA Path Desk Auto Liability Adjuster Certification

Desk Auto Liability Adjuster Certification
Desk Auto Liability Adjuster Certification

Most Companies Require Experience Handling Claims or Throw You to the Wolves On Your First Liability Deployment... Will You Survive?

If You Don’t Know Know How to Handle a Liability Investigation or Have Experience You Could…

Miss Out on a Long Desk Deployment
Be Sent Home
Burn a Bridge
Be Blacklisted

That all leads to frustration and fear. We don’t want that for you. IA Path has helped thousands of new adjusters get to work and be successful. We can help prepare you too.

What Companies Recognize the IA Path Certifications?

40+ Independent Appraisal & Adjusting Firms Waive the 2-5 Year Experience If You Have This Certification, Here are Some of Them

How Does the IA Path Liability Adjuster Certification Work?

There Are 3 Steps to the Liability Adjuster Certification


You start off learning the foundations of auto damage appraising, estimating, and liability claims as a pre-requisite to the liability certification. This lays the foundation for handling liability claims. This is available on-demand when you enroll.


The certification process is a 5-night class (Monday - Friday 8pm-10pm EST). Each night you are learning and applying the process of conducting a liability investigation with a 15+ year veteran instructor and your classmates. Prove you can successfully apply the steps and you'll be certified.


Upon earning your IA Path Desk Auto Liability Certification you are introduced to 40+ IA Firms including large catastrophic and staffing companies that deploy adjusters on "desk" deployments handling liability claims. We vouch that you are competent and can handle auto liability claims so you'll stand out from the crowd.

What Is Included in the IA Path
Desk Auto Liability Certification?

Experience Requirements Waived with 40+ IA Firms

You'll have the opportunity to earn the IA Path Desk Auto Liability Certification. This is what gets the 2-5 year experience requirement waived with 40+ IA Firms and opens the door for desk liability deployment opportunities. - $3000 value

5-Night Workshop Style Liability Training & Certification

The 5-night Desk Auto Liability Adjuster Certification puts into practice the principles of liability. Through the process you'll execute every step of a liability investigation and prove you can properly complete a liability claim as an adjuster. - $2000 value

Auto Damage Inspection & Estimating Training

The Auto Damage Collision Masterclass is 20+ hours of high-quality video training that is on-demand and fits your schedule. You'll learn everything about how auto damage is assessed and completed in the field. This lays a foundational understanding for auto liability claims and is a pre-requisite to the Desk Auto Liability Adjuster Certification. - $2500 value

Desk Auto Liability Crash Course

This 1 hour pre-recorded training gives you the cornerstone principles of how to conduct and complete a liability investigation. This is a pre-requisite to attending the Desk Auto Liability Adjuster Certification - $500 value

Personal Endorsement from IA Path & Chris Stanley

Upon graduation you will receive a personal endorsement from Chris Stanley and IA Path that you are competent and ready to work. Great for resumes, LinkedIn, and references. - $1000 value

Weekly Face to Face Mentorship & Community

Each Thursday you'll have access to a live virtual classroom where you can get support, questions answered, and watch an IA Path instructor write an estimate live. You get to see how it's done and ask questions. Plus as a certification student you get access to the archive of past Livewrites. - $1200 value

Mentorship and a Help Room For When You Need It Most

You'll have direct access to IA Path Mentors & graduates to get help with your claims, get advice in your career, and never be alone. 1 year access is included in with the certification and if you can renew year after year. - $1000 value

Total Value $11,200

Your Cost = $1497

IA Path Auto Damage Certification Syllabus & Core Curriculum

The 5-night certification process teaches you how to complete an auto liability claim in 12 steps.

When you demonstrate competency by successfully completing those 12 stepsĀ  you earn the Desk Auto Liability Adjuster Certification.

The 12 steps to complete an auto liability claim as an independent adjuster are,

  1. Review the Claim & Coverages
  2. Review/Obtain Statements
  3. Obtain & Review Police Report
  4. Review Damage Estimate & Photos
  5. Determine What Duty Was Owed By Each Driver
  6. Determine What Duty Was Breached By Each Driver
  7. Determine Who Had the Right of Way
  8. Determine Who Had Possession of the Roadway
  9. Write Up Your Liability Decision/Report
  10. Complete the Exchange of Information With Other Party
  11. Bargain and Negotiate Final Decision/Settlement
  12. Close the File and Settle the Claim
  • Overview
  • Building Blocks of an Estimate
  • Parts of the Vehicle
    1. Parts of The Vehicle Part 1: Front
    2. Parts of The Vehicle Part 2: Side
    3. Parts of The Vehicle Part 3: Rear
    4. Parts of the Vehicle Pt 4: Inner Structure
    5. Parts of the Vehicle Pt 5: Interior
    6. Parts of the Vehicle Pt 6: Air Bags
  • Add Lesson
  • Repair Operations
    1. Repair Operations Pt. 1.1: Replace & Remove and Install
    2. Repair Operations Pt 1.2: Replacement Part Types
    3. Repair Operations Pt. 2.1: Repair & Refinish
    4. Repair Operations 2.2: Repair Hours Guide
    5. Repair Operations Pt 3.1: Sublet Repair
  • How to Inspect a Damaged Vehicle
    1. Inspecting a Vehicle Pt 1: Taking Photos of a Damaged Vehicle
    2. Inspecting a Vehicle Pt 2: Scoping & Damage Notes
    3. Inspecting a Vehicle Pt 3: Quick Scoping Tips & Examples
    4. Inspecting a Vehicle Pt 4: Scoping Multiple Areas of Damage
  • Add Lesson
  • Writing an Estimate
    1. Writing an Estimate 1.0: Writing the Estimate (in CCC One)
    2. Writing an Estimate 1.1: Total Loss Process
    3. Writing an Estimate 1.2: Total Loss Forms
    4. Writing an Estimate 1.3: Obtain an NADA Guide
    5. Writing an Estimate 1.4: Explaining an Estimate to an Owner
    6. Writing an Estimate 1.5: Completing a Supplement
    7. Writing an Estimate 1.6 Supplement Example
    8. Writing an Estimate 1.7: Handling a Supplement Without Re-Inspection
  • Add Lesson
  • The People You Work With
    1. People 1.0: Vehicle Owners
    2. People 1.1: Appraisal Company
    3. People 1.2: Insurance Company
    4. People 1.3: Body Shop
    5. People 1.4: Tow Company
    6. People 1.5: Salvage
    7. People 1.6: Valuation Company
  • Add Lesson
  • The Claim Process
    1. Claim Process 1.0: Receiving the Assignment
    2. Claim Process 1.1: The Appointment Setting Call
    3. Claim Process 1.2: Scheduling Your Days Work
    4. Claim Process 1.3: The Inspection Conversation
    5. Claim Process 1.4: Taking Photos
    6. Claim Process 1.5: Scoping the Damage on a Vehicle
    7. Claim Process 1.6: Air Bag Deployments
    8. Claim Process 1.7: Writing the Estimate
    9. Claim Process 1.8: Uploading the Claim
  • Add Lesson
  • Downloads
    1. Photo Inspection Guide
    2. Auto & Truck Inspection Guides
    3. Collision Scope Sheet
    4. Inner Structure Guide

The Liability Crash Course introduces you to the 4 pillars of liability.

  • Duty Owed
  • Duty Breached
  • Right of Way
  • Possession of Roadway

Reviews IA Path Certifications

How To Get Started With the IA Path Desk Auto Liability Certification

1. Enroll in Certifcation

2. Complete Training

3. Get Certified & Working

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