This page has all the resources (plus a few extra) that were listed in the Adjuster’s Resume Playbook by Chris Stanley & John Bachmann.
Important Note: We plan on adding additional content as we get new resources, develop new templates, or think up important things for you to do. We also are actively pursuing discount deals for our readers so please pardon our mess as we work to make it easier to use and also check back often to make sure  you get all the goodies!

If somehow you found this private page by stumbling around the internet, this page is for purchasers of the Adjuster’s Resume Playbook. You are welcome to enjoy the content here, but without the book it won’t make a ton of sense and you’ll be missing out on the most important information! You can grab a copy from Amazon by clicking the button below for a few dollars… well worth the investment into your career I can promise.

Ebook or Paperback

Please Review the Adjuster’s Resume Playbook

If you enjoyed the book (or not) we’d love your feedback! Just like you are judged based on your resume in seconds, this book is judged whether it is useful or not in second by other adjusters and readers.

Do us a favor and let others know what you thought about the book by leaving a review on Amazon at the link below.

If you haven’t purchased the book yet feel free to grab a copy from Amazon.



Adjuster’s Resume Playbook – Audiobook Edition


Resume Adjuster’s Playbook

by Chris Stanley & John Bachmann

As a thank you for purchasing the Adjuster’s Resume Playbook, John and I decided we’d like to give you the audiobook for FREE! Thanks so much for your support. 

If you enjoyed the book (or not) we’d love your feedback! Just like you are judged based on your resume in seconds, this book is judged whether it is useful or not in second by other adjusters and readers.

Do us a favor and let others know what you thought about the book by leaving a review on Amazon at the link below.



Tony Cañas


Author of Insuring Tomorrow

Tony & Carly’s book is great book on how much NEED there is in the insurance industry moving forward and how everyone can have a future in the insurance industry. – Chris Stanley



“Claims is the Place to Be” YouTube Video

This was one of the first videos Chris ever saw of John and he immediately felt a connection. Great video about why working in claims is amazing and why John is known as an advocate for the claims industry.


Books About How to Become an Adjuster

We mention these books in the Introduction to make sure that if you need more help getting started than just help with your resume, that you’ll know the next steps to take. Plus they are both IA Path books so we can shamelessly tell you about them, but we do believe they can help you.

Independent Adjuster’s Playbook

Independent Adjuster's Playbook
This is a book Chris wrote as a step by step guide & roadmap to becoming a successful independent adjuster. If you want to know how to build up your career and independent adjuster or auto damage appraiser business this is the book to grab!

Insurance Company Adjuster’s Playbook


This book was written by Chris Stanley & John Bachmann to help you break into the insurance industry at an insurance company. This is a career guide for getting hired and promoted as an adjuster for an insurance company. It will be released Oct 18th 2020.

What is a Resume?

Ladders Eye Tracking Resume Study
(7.4 seconds)

Check out this study by Ladders, a job matching service, that was completed in 2018. It shows a heatmap of how people read a resume, plus confirms the 7.4 second glance at a resume. Great download and resource. REALLY COOL!

Articles on How Long People Look at Resumes

We didn’t want you to think we just made up this craziness about 6 seconds so here are some sources that most people would take seriously in the world of the internet.

How Much You REALLY Cost an Employer If You Don’t Work Out

Ben Baker of YourBrandMarketing, has this eBook for companies explaining how valuable employees are and how each one you lose could be costing you $100,000! Feel free to download it, tons of great information in there.

More Info on ATS
(Applicant Tracking Systems)

If you are a glutton for punishment here is some more information and resources about the ATS systems. Not my favorite topic and certainly not light reading, but we don’t want to just leave you on your own to just believe us so here are a few links to start your research off.



Why Companies Use Applicant Tracking Systems Commercial

Here is a fun video commercial for an ATS product. This will explain WHY companies use ATS systems. It isn’t because they are lazy, they just need help. It also shows you how they are truly AUTOMATING the entire process.


Customize Your Resume for Each Job

 Links to Adjuster Job Searches

Once again we wanted to make this stupid simple. Click the link below to be taken to various job boards that we already programmed in to search for adjuster job postings nationwide! Be sure to download the IA Path Keyword Research Guide to keep track of what you learn!


IA Path Keyword Research Template

Simple spreadsheet set up to make the research of your 5 job postings EASY. Feel free to edit and change as you wish.

Length = 1 Page

 Job History Narration Template

Not everything can make it onto your resume. Realizing what your story is and how each job plays into the narration or your story is SUPER IMPORTANT. We’ve got a template here for you to put down all your jobs and try to write out key elements and stories so you can start to see the timeline and story that you can share.

Arrange Your Skills

 Silver Bullet Reciple Template

Pull everything together to make stunning bullet points that slay the ATS monster, swoon the hearts of HR, and impressive the hiring manager with this easy to use Excel Template. Combined with your previous research and templates you’ll craft bullets in no time.

PLAYBOOK: Creating Your Resume

Resume Template

This is the resume that Chris created inside of the book. Feel free to download so you have a PDF copy available to reference as you go through creating your own resume. You may be wondering “why don’t you give me an EDITABLE version?” After much debate and thought, John and I decided that the risk of you having formatting issues from ours or you forgetting to change something was more of a pain than a help. Creating yours from scratch is the way to go and we didn’t want to tempt you into using ours.

Job Specific Examples & Resumes

Why You’d Make an Awesome Adjuster Guide

10 Job Specific Examples + Resume Templates


Need help figuring out how to talk about your job? Wish you knew how to explain it prepared you for an insurance claims position?

Chris Stanley & John Bachmann break down their reasons why they think you would be an awesome adjuster based on on 10 job-specific examples. Includes links to resume examples for each job.

These are just designed to get your mind running. We link to dozens if not 100’s of high quality resume samples for various job types.

Download the complete guide by clicking the button below and start getting your mind wrapped around how to tell an insurance company that you are valuable! Just remember when looking at these examples to look at bullets for inspiration, but be sure to apply the silver bullet methodology.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Graphical Resume Course

If you feel you need to do a graphical resume, despite our caution against it, here is a great course on how to do a graphical resume. Best part is, it is specifically designed for ADJUSTERS! We’ve partnered with Adjuster University to be able to provide this to you on our website because we thought this course was the bees knees for adjuster graphical resumes.


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