The biggest issue most adjusters (new or veterans) face is getting more work and yet they overlook how beneficial LinkedIn can be for independent adjusters.
Huge disclaimer here, I hate social media. I am not on and do not use Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Youtube (seriously I don’t watch Youtube videos), etc. I am only on LinkedIn.
So if you have reservations about using a social media platform, I get it!
But I hope you’ll give me a few minutes to tell you why you may should consider using LinkedIn as an independent adjuster.
Why Independent Adjusters Should Be Using LinkedIn
I’ve used LinkedIn for 7 years and it is how I’ve built IA Path, my adjuster mentorship and training company, from a podcast no one listened to, to helping thousands of adjusters break into our industry.
The reality is, it doesn’t matter if you can help someone solve their problem, if they don’t know you exist!
This is a part of the 3 Laws of Getting Work as an Independent Adjuster. You must abide by these 3 laws to get work.
IA Firms must…
- Know You (exist)
- Like You
- Trust You
If the companies you’ll want to get work from don’t know you exist, you are stuck!
What Is LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is a social media platform DESIGNED to help job candidates have a living breathing resume and portfolio online and connect with job opportunities.
People use it for more than that, but that is the essence of the platform.
The key thing you need to take away is, recruiters are using the platform looking for people to fill the roles they have needs for.
While Facebook and others are great connection platforms, people are doing all sorts of things on there.
Watching cat videos on Facebook, connecting with grandma, arguing about politics, and on Tiktok twerking (is that a real word now?) to the latest hit song.
LinkedIn has none of that, it’s all biznass. (misspelled on purpose)
Who is LinkedIn For?
LinkedIn is primarily for anyone wanting to broaden their work network and opportunities….
In other words, anyone wanting more work.
As an independent adjuster that is you! We can work for as many companies as we want to, here is your opportunity to connect to them all.
If you are an independent adjuster or appraiser who is looking for more work LinkedIn is the premier social media platform for you to expand your business.
LinkedIn is likely for you!
Why You Should Use LinkedIn
Your profile on LinkedIn is your living breathing resume, so when recruiters find your profile they know enough about you to determine if they want to reach out to you for a work opportunity.
This means you can get work opportunities while you sleep! Instead of you having to chase down every opportunity to apply for them, the opportunities can come to you. With LinkedIn growing bigger every day, a mere 875 million members, you should be using it to grow your opportunities.
You don’t only have access to recruiters, but every person in the companies all the way up to CEO’s and owners!
Sure you can’t just connect to everyone, but it’s much easier than ever before to be able to find the person you need to connect to and expand your network.
When Should Adjusters Use LinkedIn?
A lot of people believe that LinkedIn is ONLY for those looking for new jobs and refuse to use the platform if they work a day job.
They don’t want their boss seeing them on LinkedIn and potentially firing them because they are looking for work.
That is NOT how LinkedIn is viewed by companies anymore.
You should use the platform to build your professional identity on the internet. Even if you have a day job you can begin to build trust, connections, and your LinkedIn presence so when you do switch to being a full time IA you aren’t starting from scratch.
The best time to use LinkedIn is NOW. It grows more and more every day and sooner you get on the platform the more connections you can make.
How Should an Adjuster Use LinkedIn as an Adjuster?
Most people on LinkedIn use it all wrong, well ineffectively.
They sign up, fill in their profile, and do nothing.
This is pointless. The point of social media is to be at least a little social.
There are a few things you’ve got to do, other than fill out your profile information.
- Connect with people you know (co-workers, friends, etc.)
- Connect with people you want to know (recruiters, IA Firms, etc.)
- Create content that helps others and shows your expertise
Number 3 is what less than 1% of LinkedIn members utilize. 99% of the internet CONSUMES social media, 1% contribute in any meaningful way.
If you are in the 1% adding value and showcasing your expertise on LinkedIn you’ll attract the recruiters, companies, CEO’s, and others that can show people you can be trusted with claims.
Remember, IA Firms must,
- Know You
- Like You
- Trust You
Creating content on LinkedIn is a way to help them know you, like you, and trust you!
If you are talking about our industry with intelligence they’ll assume you actually can work in our industry.
If you sit there quiet as a mouse… they don’t know what to think.
Where Will Using LinkedIn Get Adjusters?
Wherever you want to go as an independent adjuster.
Great example is Brad Fancher. He is a graduate of our Auto Damage Collision certification (from like 4 years ago… way back in the day) turned instructor at IA Path.
He has been doing auto and heavy equipment for years and people trust him, but now he wants to step into property claims.
Brad Fancher posted on LinkedIn the other day,
Look at the bottom of the image, 64 people (which is a lot!) noticed his post enough to react to it. He also got 18 comments on the post.
Some of those comments on the post were people offering to help and IA Firms saying “About time! Let us know when you are ready.”
In just the few minutes it took Brad to post this he generated buzz about something HE WANTED TO DO.
LinkedIn is a great tool to help you get where you want to go.
Next week’s deep dive I’ll continue with LinkedIn, but dive into some simple ways you can create content so it’s easy and doesn’t take a lot of time from your life.
If you are on LinkedIn, but not connected with me click the button below. I’d love to be connected to you and I have over nearly 8000 connections most of them are in the insurance industry.
Once we connect you’ll be able to reach out to any of those 8k connections!
If you want to receive next weeks Independent Adjuster Newsletter be sure to sign up so you never miss one of our deep dives!
Until next week,
Keep walking your path and claiming your life.
Your Guide,
Chris Stanley